Working in Early Childhood.

Department of Training and Workforce Development. (2010, 2017). WestOne, Perth.

This set of workplace learning materials was the foundation for the workshops linked to the playgroup for family adults, initially led in Ngaanyatjarra and English by Beryl and I respectively, and implemented in various communities from 2008 to 2015.

Consisting of 4 Learners’ Workbooks and a facilitator guide, I prepared the content for this resource, Working in Early Childhood’, in collaboration with a principal consultant from a Perth TAFE.

The workshop content was based on the playgroup program's increasingly familiar activities and routines. Over the years, many family adults had become interested in learning why specific activities were chosen for the children at playgroup, how participation in these activities prepared children for the activities of school, and what the steps were in implementing each activity with children and family adults at playgroup.

Note from Anne :

The significance of this workshop program is its similarity to the families' initial request for this playgroup in 1994, which was to help them prepare their children for school and teach them how to do this. 

The culmination of these workshops each year was a greatly anticipated visit to Perth for a group of workshop mothers and their playgroup children, where they participated in learning activities at the TAFE and visited early childhood settings in Perth.