Restoring the Primacy of Family in Education

Rowan and Anne Shinkfield

SHINKFIELD.NET showcases publications and resources that advocate for the benefits of Family and Community-Centred approaches to Learning and Education.

Whether the context is cities, regional towns or remote Indigenous communities, aligning our approach to the learner’s ways of learning and openly valuing and including the wider family culture, can dramatically improve the effectiveness of our learning and educational processes.

Evolving through professional experience spanning over four decades in diverse educational contexts, Rowan and Anne provide practical, transformational guidance for facilitating the present and future learning of children, families and educators, within schools, playgroups and higher education.

Transformational Learning for Families, Children and Educators.

In learning, we believe nothing succeeds like success.  Overcoming barriers to successful learning can be wonderfully transformational to the learner and their family. We have worked extensively with learners and with educators who facilitate the learning of others, to create opportunities for successful learning within their communities.

In responding to the ever-changing learning landscape, the information and research you’ll find here at are sourced from our writings, as well as publications and resources that have been useful in our work.

Anne approaches education as a practitioner, endeavouring to facilitate learning aligned with the context and knowledge of the learner. This has resulted in the development of innovative learning pathways across the diverse contexts of adult learning within educational workplaces, children with specific learning difficulties and Indigenous families in their quest to develop family-centred ways to prepare their young children for school. 

Dr. Anne Shinkfield

Rowan has blended studies in education, psychology, applied linguistics and community development in his work with children and often their families, teachers and adult learners in regional schools, ESL centres, Tafe, remote Indigenous communities and child development settings.

Rowan Shinkfield